Martians or Politicians
Little green men
playing with matches
causing our world
to conflagrate
Ill winds fan flame
taking breath away
While little green men
do nothing but smile
Good green earth
a ball of fire
just as predicted
for this next time
Douse it, douse it
with lots of water
politicians (or martians)
have but a half glass full

Poetry, prose, and other stuff meant for the reader's enjoyment. Web page at: Click here. My novels are White Lightning, The Carbon Steel Caress, In Good Faith, and Mudbug Tales; A Novel in Flashes, wit' recipes. My poetry book is A Southern Boy's Meanderings. CLICKY My webpage:
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Somebody has to do it and
I figger it might as well be me.
I live on a saltwater marsh in coastal South Carolina and have a dock in my back yard. The dock goes out 400 feet to a tidal creek that in turn leads to the intracoastal waterway. From there the waters of the world open up. (Eleven miles by boat from my house to the Atlantic ocean.)
The Lowcountry tide swing is about ten feet whch is a big swing. Twice a day the marsh is a grassy plane empty of water and twice a day the water is ten feet deep and the spartina grass is submerged. Fish, crabs, and shrimp come in on the tide flow and out on its ebb. I can stand on my dock with a cast net and get supper. At low tide you can see the creatures in the creek and the big water birds (egrets, herons, storks, ibis) come in for a meal. In the winter ducks (mostly buffleheads but some teal, merganser, woodduck, pintail, and mallard) are in the creek. Eagles, ospery and other variety of hawks soar overhead. Little birds (wrens, buntings, titmouse, and others) flit through the trees at the marsh edge. Sea otter, mink, and raccoon all forage the marsh and come into my yard. There is an abundance of deer (which get to be a nusiance eating shrubbery and flowers) but they were here before us. Finally, there is a Carolina panther stalking the area (I haven't seen it but friends have).
My view is of the marsh, the tidal creek, some small densly treed hummocks, and the waterway. We can see for miles. Looking north is pristine wilderness while the south view is of the town of Beaufort. We face west so the sunsets are spectacular, no two the same. Sunset at high tide produces colors for which there are no names. Yachts and cruise boats (some as large as 200 feet) pass our house.
I love the Lowcountry and its tides. They are endlessly facinating and set the pace of life here.
I live on a saltwater marsh in coastal South Carolina and have a dock in my back yard. The dock goes out 400 feet to a tidal creek that in turn leads to the intracoastal waterway. From there the waters of the world open up. (Eleven miles by boat from my house to the Atlantic ocean.)
The Lowcountry tide swing is about ten feet whch is a big swing. Twice a day the marsh is a grassy plane empty of water and twice a day the water is ten feet deep and the spartina grass is submerged. Fish, crabs, and shrimp come in on the tide flow and out on its ebb. I can stand on my dock with a cast net and get supper. At low tide you can see the creatures in the creek and the big water birds (egrets, herons, storks, ibis) come in for a meal. In the winter ducks (mostly buffleheads but some teal, merganser, woodduck, pintail, and mallard) are in the creek. Eagles, ospery and other variety of hawks soar overhead. Little birds (wrens, buntings, titmouse, and others) flit through the trees at the marsh edge. Sea otter, mink, and raccoon all forage the marsh and come into my yard. There is an abundance of deer (which get to be a nusiance eating shrubbery and flowers) but they were here before us. Finally, there is a Carolina panther stalking the area (I haven't seen it but friends have).
My view is of the marsh, the tidal creek, some small densly treed hummocks, and the waterway. We can see for miles. Looking north is pristine wilderness while the south view is of the town of Beaufort. We face west so the sunsets are spectacular, no two the same. Sunset at high tide produces colors for which there are no names. Yachts and cruise boats (some as large as 200 feet) pass our house.
I love the Lowcountry and its tides. They are endlessly facinating and set the pace of life here.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Of Time
It Ain't Twilight Time
By GC Smith
Perhaps autumn's breath will chill me,
but not just yet, it ain't quite that time,
'cause, damn I'm havin' much too much fun
Seventy full years upon this green earth
will be my time in just a few short months;
hell, that ain't old, I'm plannin' on a hunnert
There is so much left to do, I still gotta play,
and take my boat on out to gulf stream waters
and test my strength against a trophy marlin
Then there's books to read and poems to write,
all the good old stuff that makes my life so fine;
all of the stuff for which there ain't enough time
My gal and I still wake up each and every day
and hug and kiss and look out at the blue sky
as sun comes up over marshland and the river
Then there's all the shrimp, the crabs, the fish
taken with line and net from my tidal creek
that go so well with a goblet of good wine
There's lots to see and do that I ain't yet seen or done
so this autumn time is just gonna have to wait its turn
til somewhere way down the line I find my season's gone
This autumn time, by gol, it ain't near upon me yet;
though it's true I'm no longer in the springtime of life
nothing in my earthly time tells me it ain't still summer
This old guy intends to stick around God's green earth a while;
enjoying every minute of these glorious late summer days
and doing each of the many, many things that fill my life
By GC Smith
Perhaps autumn's breath will chill me,
but not just yet, it ain't quite that time,
'cause, damn I'm havin' much too much fun
Seventy full years upon this green earth
will be my time in just a few short months;
hell, that ain't old, I'm plannin' on a hunnert
There is so much left to do, I still gotta play,
and take my boat on out to gulf stream waters
and test my strength against a trophy marlin
Then there's books to read and poems to write,
all the good old stuff that makes my life so fine;
all of the stuff for which there ain't enough time
My gal and I still wake up each and every day
and hug and kiss and look out at the blue sky
as sun comes up over marshland and the river
Then there's all the shrimp, the crabs, the fish
taken with line and net from my tidal creek
that go so well with a goblet of good wine
There's lots to see and do that I ain't yet seen or done
so this autumn time is just gonna have to wait its turn
til somewhere way down the line I find my season's gone
This autumn time, by gol, it ain't near upon me yet;
though it's true I'm no longer in the springtime of life
nothing in my earthly time tells me it ain't still summer
This old guy intends to stick around God's green earth a while;
enjoying every minute of these glorious late summer days
and doing each of the many, many things that fill my life
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Good Vittles
Cuke, Tomato, Onion Salad
Two ripe tomatos, diced in largish pieces
A large onion diced the same
Two peeled cucumbers also diced
Lots of freshly ground pepper
Greek vinigarette dressing, several ounces (Kraft brand is good)
Mix thoroughly and refrigerate
Crumble in some feta cheese
Add some kalmata olives
Substitute dressing is red wine vinegar and extra virgin olive oil
Stuffed Mushroom Appetizers
12 to 18 large white mushrooms. Remove the stems and chop finely.
One onion finely chopped
A half cup of cashews or pistachios finely chopped
A half cup of sun dried tomatoes in olive oil finely chopped
Several cloves of garlic finely chopped
Fresh ground black pepper.
Sauté all of the peppered chopped stuff over medium heat for a few minutes. Stuff the mushroom caps with the concoction. Sprinkle grated parmesan cheese over the stuffed shrooms. Bake at 350 for 10-15 minutes or until the shrooms are done to your taste.
Two ripe tomatos, diced in largish pieces
A large onion diced the same
Two peeled cucumbers also diced
Lots of freshly ground pepper
Greek vinigarette dressing, several ounces (Kraft brand is good)
Mix thoroughly and refrigerate
Crumble in some feta cheese
Add some kalmata olives
Substitute dressing is red wine vinegar and extra virgin olive oil
Stuffed Mushroom Appetizers
12 to 18 large white mushrooms. Remove the stems and chop finely.
One onion finely chopped
A half cup of cashews or pistachios finely chopped
A half cup of sun dried tomatoes in olive oil finely chopped
Several cloves of garlic finely chopped
Fresh ground black pepper.
Sauté all of the peppered chopped stuff over medium heat for a few minutes. Stuff the mushroom caps with the concoction. Sprinkle grated parmesan cheese over the stuffed shrooms. Bake at 350 for 10-15 minutes or until the shrooms are done to your taste.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Dear, Deer
Protecting the Landscape
Deer are chompin' on the shrubs
shoo, get away you voracious critters
old wives say that mothballs repel them
redneck men advise piss on the bushes
I dunno what in hell will work
but something better had, and quick
before my flowering shrubbery is no more
hmm, this new 'lectric fence'll do the trick
Deer are chompin' on the shrubs
shoo, get away you voracious critters
old wives say that mothballs repel them
redneck men advise piss on the bushes
I dunno what in hell will work
but something better had, and quick
before my flowering shrubbery is no more
hmm, this new 'lectric fence'll do the trick
Monday, June 16, 2008
I Never Finished Our Conversation
We spent many years together
Starting on the day I was born
I was his kid, he was my Dad
From him so much did I learn
We talked a lot of many things
Good stuff of life and the bad
Of how a man should spend life
And choices for right or wrong
Sure, my father wasn't a genius
But he had much wisdom in him
Mostly uncommonly common stuff
Stuff passed to me in our talks
He taught me that small minded people
Usually do not have a clue about life
But are quick to condemn other folks
While declaiming their superior wisdom
When days were dark and nights long
I'd go back to wise words from my Dad
Wisdom that always stood me in good stead
And bucked me up when things looked grim
We never finished our conversations
That began when I was just a kid
I was about a thousand miles away
When he closed wise eyes and died
Still there's plenty of Dad stayed with me
Though it's sad that we won't speak again
His words linger in my mind forever
I've tried to pass them to my kids
We spent many years together
Starting on the day I was born
I was his kid, he was my Dad
From him so much did I learn
We talked a lot of many things
Good stuff of life and the bad
Of how a man should spend life
And choices for right or wrong
Sure, my father wasn't a genius
But he had much wisdom in him
Mostly uncommonly common stuff
Stuff passed to me in our talks
He taught me that small minded people
Usually do not have a clue about life
But are quick to condemn other folks
While declaiming their superior wisdom
When days were dark and nights long
I'd go back to wise words from my Dad
Wisdom that always stood me in good stead
And bucked me up when things looked grim
We never finished our conversations
That began when I was just a kid
I was about a thousand miles away
When he closed wise eyes and died
Still there's plenty of Dad stayed with me
Though it's sad that we won't speak again
His words linger in my mind forever
I've tried to pass them to my kids
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Grandpa's Day
Emmett sent his Grand-Pop a card
with art work from his own sure hand
squiggles and swirls in vibrant color
a most talented work of fine abstract art
The card says Happy Fathers DAY
with the grand salutation LOVE
signature a dashing, bold - EMMETT
you know, I in return love you little man
So, thank you Emmett my grand boyo
I love the card to G-Pops that you sent
I'll keep it in my own special treasure box
I'll take it out to enjoy it from time to time
Thank you Emmett
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Convenience Store
(or worse than buying cigarettes)
Got me a micro-wave burrito at the 7-11,
Man-o-man I thought I was in heaven
till my danged tummy turned all burpy
from beans mixed with a cherry slurpy
Then them burrito beans started repeatin'
oft duplicated burps --as if I was beaten,
which quickly turned to long loud farts
that in no way relate to the musical arts
So keep this clearly in mind, my friends,
you will never come to any good ends
and you'll never get yourself to heaven
by eating junk food from seven-eleven
(or worse than buying cigarettes)
Got me a micro-wave burrito at the 7-11,
Man-o-man I thought I was in heaven
till my danged tummy turned all burpy
from beans mixed with a cherry slurpy
Then them burrito beans started repeatin'
oft duplicated burps --as if I was beaten,
which quickly turned to long loud farts
that in no way relate to the musical arts
So keep this clearly in mind, my friends,
you will never come to any good ends
and you'll never get yourself to heaven
by eating junk food from seven-eleven
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Someone has to live it.
Good Things
Hey babe, it's waking each and every day
to sunlight on dew damp salt marsh grasses
or the pattering of the rain on a metal roof
and knowing that another day begins
Out there on the marsh
a lonely great white egret
fishes for its breakfast
while you still sleep
I think of nudging you awake,
but, no, I let you sleep some more
as I lay smiling about this new day
that once again we'll share
Long enough now, it's time, wake up;
I reach out and touch your shoulder,
watch as you smile and say to me
'mornin' darlin', as you always do
I give you a little mornin' kiss,
get one in return to start the day;
I'd say that's a grand way to begin
each and every morning of our lives
I sit at the porch table with you now
having morning coffee as daylight brightens,
and we watch wood ducks land on the creek
and ride toward us on the incoming tide
Today we'll goodie pack an ice chest,
drop the boat from lift to water, and
head off up the waterway to Charleston
on an adventure to see what we can see
It's stuff like this that I find so good;
it's knowing that we live a life fulfilled
with all the love that we share each day;
yeah babe, it's little things that bring us much
Hey babe, it's waking each and every day
to sunlight on dew damp salt marsh grasses
or the pattering of the rain on a metal roof
and knowing that another day begins
Out there on the marsh
a lonely great white egret
fishes for its breakfast
while you still sleep
I think of nudging you awake,
but, no, I let you sleep some more
as I lay smiling about this new day
that once again we'll share
Long enough now, it's time, wake up;
I reach out and touch your shoulder,
watch as you smile and say to me
'mornin' darlin', as you always do
I give you a little mornin' kiss,
get one in return to start the day;
I'd say that's a grand way to begin
each and every morning of our lives
I sit at the porch table with you now
having morning coffee as daylight brightens,
and we watch wood ducks land on the creek
and ride toward us on the incoming tide
Today we'll goodie pack an ice chest,
drop the boat from lift to water, and
head off up the waterway to Charleston
on an adventure to see what we can see
It's stuff like this that I find so good;
it's knowing that we live a life fulfilled
with all the love that we share each day;
yeah babe, it's little things that bring us much
Monday, June 9, 2008
Hat Trick
I got me a Harley hat
a gimmee cap with a logo
that says:
but the embroidery
ain't so good
it looks like:
The hat's rolled brim is all frayed
that makes it special
you'd have to pay extra
to get a hat like that
but I done it myself
through years of the wearing
of that faded old hat that
covers my bald spots
That faded grey hat
is damn near my favorite
it's right on up there
with my black beaver Stetson
and almost as good
as the hat with the logo
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Always Something
After I think about you
and you and you and you
I wonder why I bother;
living a simple life in a cave
might be what I'd rather do
'cause you and you and you
make my life one misery
with your demands of me
for things you think you need
for dear stuff you think is free
Loud demands assault my every day
do this, do that, and do some other,
hey, come and fix the broken things
bring your saws and bring your nail guns
come, please, repair somethings for me
But wait, after I think of you
and of you and you and you
I figure that what you ask of me
is simply the stuff I love to do,
so, it's not so bad --I'll do a few
After I think about you
and you and you and you
I wonder why I bother;
living a simple life in a cave
might be what I'd rather do
'cause you and you and you
make my life one misery
with your demands of me
for things you think you need
for dear stuff you think is free
Loud demands assault my every day
do this, do that, and do some other,
hey, come and fix the broken things
bring your saws and bring your nail guns
come, please, repair somethings for me
But wait, after I think of you
and of you and you and you
I figure that what you ask of me
is simply the stuff I love to do,
so, it's not so bad --I'll do a few
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Our Heros, Our Heriones
I don’t care who is rich or famous
I couldn’t give a tinker’s damn
about tabloids at the supermarket
geared to titillate our simple minds
Sexy sluts from good old tinsel town
adopting kids from the third world
that gets them applause for altruism
but more than likely it’s just bullshit
Politicians posture, preen before us
with promises we’ve all heard before
health care along with full dinner pails
but more than likely it’s more bullshit
Priests and preachers let us have it
shout down at us for our sinful lives
but more than likely it’s more bullshit
to cover up for their cold feet of clay
So, what about these famous people
with their steady streams of bullshit
should we believe the pap they feed us
or should their bullshit be ignored
We can use the supermarket tabloids
perhaps they’re best for wrapping fish
but bullshit ink may bleed and poison
and lay us six feet below hard ground
I don’t care who is rich or famous
I couldn’t give a tinker’s damn
about tabloids at the supermarket
geared to titillate our simple minds
Sexy sluts from good old tinsel town
adopting kids from the third world
that gets them applause for altruism
but more than likely it’s just bullshit
Politicians posture, preen before us
with promises we’ve all heard before
health care along with full dinner pails
but more than likely it’s more bullshit
Priests and preachers let us have it
shout down at us for our sinful lives
but more than likely it’s more bullshit
to cover up for their cold feet of clay
So, what about these famous people
with their steady streams of bullshit
should we believe the pap they feed us
or should their bullshit be ignored
We can use the supermarket tabloids
perhaps they’re best for wrapping fish
but bullshit ink may bleed and poison
and lay us six feet below hard ground
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