A Passive-Aggressive Formula
Rebel over
honey dos
just say,
yes dear,
then sneak off
I keep
golf clubs
in my truck
There is
an Igloo cooler
in there too

Poetry, prose, and other stuff meant for the reader's enjoyment. Web page at: Click here. My novels are White Lightning, The Carbon Steel Caress, In Good Faith, and Mudbug Tales; A Novel in Flashes, wit' recipes. My poetry book is A Southern Boy's Meanderings. CLICKY My webpage:
Friday, November 29, 2013
Thursday, November 28, 2013
No Big Blow
A Walk In The Wind
Hurricane season came and went
and no ill wind raised its hell
I didn’t have to batten hatches
and wait for swirling winds to pass
No hunkering down from wind this year
no cleaning up after weather’s wrath
no raging winds splintering trees
no ripping off of the roof over me
It’s been quiet and calm this year
and that’s sure, ok, all-right with me
nothing bad came our way at all
the walk in the wind was a breeze
Hurricane season came and went
and no ill wind raised its hell
I didn’t have to batten hatches
and wait for swirling winds to pass
No hunkering down from wind this year
no cleaning up after weather’s wrath
no raging winds splintering trees
no ripping off of the roof over me
It’s been quiet and calm this year
and that’s sure, ok, all-right with me
nothing bad came our way at all
the walk in the wind was a breeze
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Let's all sing, like ...
Things With Wings
by GC
Stand still on beating wings
above the crimson petals
dip to the flower's heart
and drink sustaining nectar
of life, of strength, of freedom
Out over the marsh
an osprey dives steeply:
outstretched talons
slap into the stream
Blue sky is regained
with carried mullet,
bitty baby birdie food
taken to the nest
Outstretched beaks
clamor for lunch
brought by Poppa
for Moms hungry brood
Now, babies grown,
the ospreys depart
for Brazilian waters
and winter's warmth
Come spring
the ospreys return
to familiar nests
and new families
Mom and Pop
nurture new nestlings
in a remembered home
on the salt marsh piling
Painted Bunting
Like Joseph's,
yours is a coat
of many colors
that makes your lady
green with envy.
Crimson brilliance
hides your feisty nature,
you who delight in
crowding other
feathered friends
from the feeder;
and, oh yeah,
while I'm bitchin',
your gal is less than
delighted with her drab coat.
Snowy Egret
Craak, craak, craak
,that guttural complaint
issued as you fight
with your
blue heron brother
over a tiny
silver fish
puts lie
to your
pure white plumage
and elegant bearing
by GC
Stand still on beating wings
above the crimson petals
dip to the flower's heart
and drink sustaining nectar
of life, of strength, of freedom
Out over the marsh
an osprey dives steeply:
outstretched talons
slap into the stream
Blue sky is regained
with carried mullet,
bitty baby birdie food
taken to the nest
Outstretched beaks
clamor for lunch
brought by Poppa
for Moms hungry brood
Now, babies grown,
the ospreys depart
for Brazilian waters
and winter's warmth
Come spring
the ospreys return
to familiar nests
and new families
Mom and Pop
nurture new nestlings
in a remembered home
on the salt marsh piling
Painted Bunting
Like Joseph's,
yours is a coat
of many colors
that makes your lady
green with envy.
Crimson brilliance
hides your feisty nature,
you who delight in
crowding other
feathered friends
from the feeder;
and, oh yeah,
while I'm bitchin',
your gal is less than
delighted with her drab coat.
Snowy Egret
Craak, craak, craak
,that guttural complaint
issued as you fight
with your
blue heron brother
over a tiny
silver fish
puts lie
to your
pure white plumage
and elegant bearing
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Of Time
Dawn Won’t Come Again
by GC Smith
Now that time has passed me by
days that have flown won't dawn again
I'll never race at Watkins Glen
I'll never climb the Eiger
Now that time has passed me by
days that have flown won't dawn again
I'll not win the Nobel prize
great ideas won't germinate
Now that time has passed me by
years flown by won't come again
No dalliance with Sophia Loren
whose time has also passed
Now that time has passed me by
years flown by won't come again
Pass I must on bucking horses
my bones are now too brittle
Now that time has passed me by
days that have flown won't dawn again
I'll never fly a fighter plane
land on a postage stamp at sea
Now that time has passed me by
days that have flown won't dawn again
I'll not set the world afire
with these my fading embers
Now that time has passed me by
it's gone and cannot be recaptured
Yesterday was yesterday
first light came then flew away
But, I look back on yesterday
and sometimes dream it's yet tomorrow
by GC Smith
Now that time has passed me by
days that have flown won't dawn again
I'll never race at Watkins Glen
I'll never climb the Eiger
Now that time has passed me by
days that have flown won't dawn again
I'll not win the Nobel prize
great ideas won't germinate
Now that time has passed me by
years flown by won't come again
No dalliance with Sophia Loren
whose time has also passed
Now that time has passed me by
years flown by won't come again
Pass I must on bucking horses
my bones are now too brittle
Now that time has passed me by
days that have flown won't dawn again
I'll never fly a fighter plane
land on a postage stamp at sea
Now that time has passed me by
days that have flown won't dawn again
I'll not set the world afire
with these my fading embers
Now that time has passed me by
it's gone and cannot be recaptured
Yesterday was yesterday
first light came then flew away
But, I look back on yesterday
and sometimes dream it's yet tomorrow
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Gettin' on
Intimations of Mortality
by GC Smith
My joints complain
Complaints not against
that young athlete
who pushed body feats
to outer endurance limits
and even then would not quit
My brain falters
It frequently farts
stumbles over my name
while yours is lost to the ether;
it now suffers a nascent dementia,
Irish style, remembering only grudges
My heart speaks
It murmurs
a bumbling, offbeat cadence
that is neither poetry nor prose
but, rather, is a coded message
about the inexorability of time
My guts say
Soldier on,
it’s what to do,
it’s nothing new,
it’s simply the way,
it’s life worth the livin’
by GC Smith
My joints complain
Complaints not against
that young athlete
who pushed body feats
to outer endurance limits
and even then would not quit
My brain falters
It frequently farts
stumbles over my name
while yours is lost to the ether;
it now suffers a nascent dementia,
Irish style, remembering only grudges
My heart speaks
It murmurs
a bumbling, offbeat cadence
that is neither poetry nor prose
but, rather, is a coded message
about the inexorability of time
My guts say
Soldier on,
it’s what to do,
it’s nothing new,
it’s simply the way,
it’s life worth the livin’
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Unique and Unafraid
The Story of My Birth
Stars twinkled merriment
shouted, look a fool is born
sucker for the fleecers
circus child forlorn
Moon smiles and laughs
he’s sure one for the books
silly foolish circus child
with his deformed looks
Clouds say they will part
reveal for all to see
circus child and his art
fooling you and me
Circus child has a mind
much like a steel trap
isn’t bothered by the taunts
or any other crap
Circus child lives alone
visions in his head
doesn’t give a hoot
if you’re alive or dead
He’s powerful, he’s not forlorn
despite his deformed looks
and he isn’t hurt by taunts
’cause he’s one for the books
And you, you stars and moons
who shine above the earth
you should be ashamed
of your mocking of my birth
The Story of My Birth
Stars twinkled merriment
shouted, look a fool is born
sucker for the fleecers
circus child forlorn
Moon smiles and laughs
he’s sure one for the books
silly foolish circus child
with his deformed looks
Clouds say they will part
reveal for all to see
circus child and his art
fooling you and me
Circus child has a mind
much like a steel trap
isn’t bothered by the taunts
or any other crap
Circus child lives alone
visions in his head
doesn’t give a hoot
if you’re alive or dead
He’s powerful, he’s not forlorn
despite his deformed looks
and he isn’t hurt by taunts
’cause he’s one for the books
And you, you stars and moons
who shine above the earth
you should be ashamed
of your mocking of my birth
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Way back when
Nineteen-hundred and forty-six
eight years old and flush, with
fifteen whole cents in my pocket;
enough for a Hopalong Cassidy,
a Zorro, or a Lash LaRue fix
and a nickel left for a candy bar
but I had to wait forever for the
noon opening of the Crystal theater
aka the "Bucket of Blood" and the
thunder of hooves, the report of the
never emptied six shooters, the slash
marks of the rapier, the crack of the
bullwhip, movietone news, and Daffy Duck
and all of the silver screen adventures
of my Saturday afternoon boyhood, even
on occasion a bare breasted African woman
or a stampedeing herd of striped Zebras
That same year (1946), early
on a Saturday morning, the
self-same eight year old
was, for the sin of talking
aloud in the shhh of the public
library, banished; so, on the way
out of the building he told the
Librarian what she could do
with her library, ripped up his card
and tossed it on her desk. A
week went by and pride swallowed
he came back and apologized, and
she graciously issued a new card, and
even more graciously never said a
word to his Mom, and so, through
her goodwill his affair with books
filled with wonders of the world
resumed with barely a hitch.
Some say, however, he never did
learn to keep his mouth shut.
Nineteen-hundred and forty-six
eight years old and flush, with
fifteen whole cents in my pocket;
enough for a Hopalong Cassidy,
a Zorro, or a Lash LaRue fix
and a nickel left for a candy bar
but I had to wait forever for the
noon opening of the Crystal theater
aka the "Bucket of Blood" and the
thunder of hooves, the report of the
never emptied six shooters, the slash
marks of the rapier, the crack of the
bullwhip, movietone news, and Daffy Duck
and all of the silver screen adventures
of my Saturday afternoon boyhood, even
on occasion a bare breasted African woman
or a stampedeing herd of striped Zebras
That same year (1946), early
on a Saturday morning, the
self-same eight year old
was, for the sin of talking
aloud in the shhh of the public
library, banished; so, on the way
out of the building he told the
Librarian what she could do
with her library, ripped up his card
and tossed it on her desk. A
week went by and pride swallowed
he came back and apologized, and
she graciously issued a new card, and
even more graciously never said a
word to his Mom, and so, through
her goodwill his affair with books
filled with wonders of the world
resumed with barely a hitch.
Some say, however, he never did
learn to keep his mouth shut.
Monday, November 4, 2013
Martini anyone?
Nasty Day
Gloom is on the marsh today
the sky is spitting ice cold rain
trees turned to shades of grey
beneath the pewtered clouds
I think I'll light the fireplace
and curl up with a good book
I'll cover myself with an afghan
to keep me from the cold
It's nasty and it's mean outside
but I, for one, will be staying in
I'll not see sun pass the yardarm
to say it's time to pour the gin
So, I'll mix me a dirty, dry Martini
pour it into a classic stemmed glass
And if you dare tell me I must wait
I’ll simply tell you to kiss my ass
So go on, go and mind your business
'cause, as for me, I
will not listen
I'm gonna do what I want to do
on this shitty cold wet autumn day
Loose Lips
Foot In Mouth
I never
know what I
mean to say
but I say it
I open
up my
and utter
spills out
It’s what I
but you
know I’ll do it
It’s just
the way
I am,
but why
I sure don’t
I never
know what I
mean to say
but I say it
I open
up my
and utter
spills out
It’s what I
but you
know I’ll do it
It’s just
the way
I am,
but why
I sure don’t
Saturday, November 2, 2013
Bad for people
Shamans, Priests, Shysters
Chants, incantations
bodies and blood
sacrificial lambs
hearts ripped out
make for theater
but nowhere truth
Chants, incantations
bodies and blood
sacrificial lambs
hearts ripped out
make for theater
but nowhere truth
Friday, November 1, 2013
They Walk The Night
Beware the night, when darkness hides
the Hags, the Hants, the Ghosts, and
yes my dears, Plat Eyes, Boo-Daddies;
the fearsome five from depths of hell
Lowcountry dark is eerie, spooky;
pale moonlight filters strange shadows
through the Spanish moss that seems like
putrid flesh sloughed from ancient skulls
Beware, the night when darkness hides,
the fearsome five that walk upon earth;
quake in fear behind painted portals,
pray that your Gods ward off the spirits
Lowcountry Gullah legend warns us
it is wise to stay behind locked doors;
blue painted portals will protect, but
do not be certain, rather, be afraid
Creatures come to take the little babies
and bring them to their chilling lairs;
specters lick lips through vile rictus
and bear their fangs before they feast
Blood they seek; blood they need;
blood to satisfy their undead lusts:
ghouls find their feast in flesh,
so guard your babies with your lives
Spooks may find breaches in a portal
to slither through and find their food;
pray that you're safely locked within,
pray for the children, pray for yourselves
The Gullah-Geechee life is cruel,
hard scrabble times the lot of most,
and now comes the fear of creatures foul
who would terrorize Lowcountry night
Tomorrow is another day, when light returns
and daylight promises that terror will subside;
that is that the morrow will find you safe and yet alive
Still, beware the night, when darkness hides those five
Beware the night, when darkness hides
the Hags, the Hants, the Ghosts, and
yes my dears, Plat Eyes, Boo-Daddies;
the fearsome five from depths of hell
Lowcountry dark is eerie, spooky;
pale moonlight filters strange shadows
through the Spanish moss that seems like
putrid flesh sloughed from ancient skulls
Beware, the night when darkness hides,
the fearsome five that walk upon earth;
quake in fear behind painted portals,
pray that your Gods ward off the spirits
Lowcountry Gullah legend warns us
it is wise to stay behind locked doors;
blue painted portals will protect, but
do not be certain, rather, be afraid
Creatures come to take the little babies
and bring them to their chilling lairs;
specters lick lips through vile rictus
and bear their fangs before they feast
Blood they seek; blood they need;
blood to satisfy their undead lusts:
ghouls find their feast in flesh,
so guard your babies with your lives
Spooks may find breaches in a portal
to slither through and find their food;
pray that you're safely locked within,
pray for the children, pray for yourselves
The Gullah-Geechee life is cruel,
hard scrabble times the lot of most,
and now comes the fear of creatures foul
who would terrorize Lowcountry night
Tomorrow is another day, when light returns
and daylight promises that terror will subside;
that is that the morrow will find you safe and yet alive
Still, beware the night, when darkness hides those five
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