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Saturday, May 24, 2008

Memorial Day

Parris Island South Carolina

I played golf yesterday on Parris Island
yup, the east coast Marine training depot
and I thought as I drove the dimpled ball
about those kids who will graduate this day

Every Friday new minted Marines
molded by a Drill Sergeant’s words and deeds
stand at attention at graduation ceremonies
while proud Moms and Dads look on

I’m comfortable in my retirement days
while these kids get to look forward to Iraq
I spend my days hitting golf balls, drinking beer
while young Marines dodge bombs and bullets

Sometimes I think old guys
like me should fight wars;
the kids should stay at home
to play golf and live life



Thunder rumbles,
greased lightning flashes,
the Blue Angels fly by
in the Lowcounrty sky

Precision flying,
inches between blue F-18s
as wingtip to wingtip
they come to formation

Barrel rolls and Immellman circles,
now some wing over wing flips as
planes climb toward the heavens,
as they plunge toward the earth

Salute the great fliers
who bring us this show;
amazing those daredevils
up there in the air

Marines should be thanked,
they sponsor this show;
but then we should honor
all that Marines do

Honor the Navy folk
and those in the Army
and also the Air force
they command our respect

They are brave men and women
who are sent to far places
to face myriad dangers
not known to civilians

So stand up and salute
those in the Armed Forces;
they do what they must
while we're safe at home


Memorial Day

We called it decoration day
We’d decorate the graves
Of those brave soldiers
Who never made it back

They went off innocent
They fought our wars
And they never asked
A single thing of us

They braved jungles
They crossed deserts
They took each day
One step at a time

We must not forget them
As we fire up our grills
Pop tops from cold ones
As we celebrate the day.

They braved hardships
Suffered unbearable heat
Fought frost bite cold
Endured mud and vermin

Do not forget their terror
Their watching buddies die
Their seeing suppurating wounds
Their knowing of shattered minds

Now it’s Memorial Day
We must remember those
Brave soldiers who returned and
Those who didn’t make it home


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